(the future is now)

Sunday December 5th, come discuss the future of the Occupy movement, and imagine the alternatives to today's institutions that could sustain a peaceful and just society. We are meeting from 5-6:30 at The Green House (149 Linden Ave). Plan to enjoy good food (local, organic) and beverages at Long Beach's newest eatery / coffee spot!
About Shift Long Beach
Shift Long Beach is a community-based organization whose mission is to create positive social change in Long Beach through educational, interactive events that empower local communities. The objectives of Shift Long Beach include providing a platform for artistic expression, promoting sustainable living options, and creating space for discussion of diverse perspectives on issues that affect the quality of life in Long Beach.
Shift LB also participates in the Evolver Social Movement network, joining 50+ cities around the world in producing themed “spore” events that explore topics relevant to the ecological, economic, and spiritual challenges of our time. Shift LB is fiscally sponsored by the Catalyst Network of Communities, a 501(c)3 nonprofit based in Long Beach, CAlif.
Shift LB www.shiftlb.blogspot.com
Evolver Social Movement http://www.evolver.net/
Reality Sandwich http://www.realitysandwich.com/